Author Archives: ron

Buddhism and Other Religions

Thanks to Chris for a great talk on Buddhist views toward other religions. The essay, “Tolerance and Diversity,” that he cited by Bhikkhu Bodhi is here. Contrary to what was announced at the meeting, next week Adeesha will speak on … Continue reading

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Meditation March 27, 2012

We will meet as usual Tuesday night in Muller Chapel at 7:30, but those needing instruction are welcome to come early. Chris will be speaking on the topic of Buddhism and other religions.

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Meditation March 20, 2012

We have a special service this week in that new member Kevin Walker will be giving the Dharma talk. Kevin will be speaking on the subject of wholesome and unwholesome acts and thoughts. We will meet as usual at 7:30 … Continue reading

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Meditation, March 6, 2012

This evening we will have a silent service (i.e., no Dharma talk). This will make the service shorter, so hopefully those of you studying for mid-terms can fit it in. Hope to see you there!

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Dependent Origination

Last night’s talk was on dependent origination (paticcasamuppada). For more information on this topic, see the Maha-nidana Sutta (DN 15). You might also read Bhikkhu Bodhi’s essay, Transcendental Dependent Arising: A Translation and Exposition of the Upanisa Sutta, which discusses … Continue reading

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Meditation Feb. 7, 2012

Last week, Chris spoke on Buddhist practice and philosophy. On the 7th, we will be focusing on developing one’s own meditation practice. By the way, the 7th is a full moon Uposatha Day!

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Mangala Sutta

Last night Adeesha favored us with a talk on the Mangala Sutta. Another sutta that came up in our discussion was the Sigalovada Sutta, which also offers a lot of advice for non-monastics on living a good life. You’ll recall … Continue reading

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Welcome Back!

Hope all of you had a very good holiday break! Our first service of Spring 2012 will take place on January 24 in Muller Chapel. If you’re new or would like some meditation instruction, come at 7:00 pm. The service … Continue reading

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Last Service of the Semester

We will have our last service of the semester on Tuesday, Dec. 20. As always, open meditation is at 7:00 pm, then the service proper will begin at 7:30. It’s exam week, but if you need a break from studying, … Continue reading

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Meditation December 6, 2011

Tuesday night we will meet as usual in Muller Chapel. The service starts at 7:30, but come by at 7:00 for instruction or additional meditation practice. Chris will be speaking on Mindfulness of the Mind, based on the Satipatthana Sutta.

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